Junior Squads and Adult SwimFit

We’re now running weekly sessions!

Booking now open for summer term

Junior Squad Sessions - Book Here

Summer term dates and times: 4:15pm - 5:15pm Sundays, 21st April - 30th June exc. May 26th

£200 for the 10 week term or £23 per session

The sessions will focus on improving stroke, turns and starts technique, as well as fitness (endurance and sprinting) and they will be lots of fun!

The junior sessions are perfect for swimmers age 10+ who have completed conventional swimming lesson stages but want to carry on / get back to it and want / need to work on fitness.

They also suit slightly younger children who are working on being accepted at a competitive swimming club but need to refine technique.

Adult SwimFit Sessions - Book Here

Summer term dates and times: 5:15pm - 6:15pm Sundays, 21st April - 30th June exc. May 26th

£200 for the 10 week term or £23 per session

The adult sessions are great for swimmers who are keen to get back in the pool but need some direction for stroke improvement and fitness.

Also great for triathletes!